After two years of collaboration our client sucessfully launched it’s Data Warehouse to analise its CRM data.
The whole process was supervised by SWBI and the client personel was trainned to develop the solution. This is a good example of close collaboration between SWBI and its clients.
Everything started in 2014 when the client decided to migrate its CRM to Microsoft Dynamics. The client was using a CRM that included a Data Warehouse but they were not completely happy with it therefore, after few sessions of analysis we decided on replacing the existing complex Data Warehouse with a new one, more independent of the technology.
Several options were considered and finally the client decided to take ownership of the development and contract SWBI to supervise and review the process.
At the end of the project SWBI got more involved developing a few solutions in SSIS, reviewing and enhancing the ETL process and in general supporting the client with the final stages of the Data Warehouse.
The Data Warehouse went live on time and on budget.
Our client is now considering integrating other areas of the business in its new, simpler and totally functional Data Warehouse.