SWBi Data Analytics has teamed up with Gloucestershire GAA to promote the development of Gaelic Games in South West England and Wales. The Bath based business intelligence firm who are patrons of many sporting teams in the region have stepped up to support the the Games Development Programmes.
In partnership with the Irish Department for Foreign Affairs ( and the Gaelic Athletic Association ( they helped to extend a primary schools coaching programme from 6 to 12 weeks. In the process helping to develop young coaches in the region to support pupils in weekly games and skills sessions.
This culminated in the running of the inaugural SWBi cup including 6 schools and over 200 children. It was a great day of games with all players going home with big smiles and great memories after receving a medal courtesy of SWBi. SWBi have also sponsored the Gloucestershire U15/16/17 Development squads which has enabled all teams to compete in the top tier of County fooball in Britain. The U15s travelled to Ireland to compete in the finals of Feile.